Sunday, December 31, 2006

Intro to my Blog thingo

I had entertained the idea of having a blog many times in the past but never found a good enough reason to have one. It was however, a fellow etsian and blogger herself, that had popped the idea back into my head just recently... and you know what? She was right.

I like the idea of having a blog to log my inspirations, trials and arty, crafty errors. It also reminded me of how I once posted a "how-to" in a Tiki Forum, and when reading back on it months later - was relieved to know that I could refer to it again as my memory 'aint that good ;o) So hopefully this Blog thingo can serve its purpose as my memory in a way!

Thank you Lara, and here's hoping that I remember to at least add to my newly created Blog.


Lara said...

Yay!! That's so good that you took up the idea! You totally won't regret it, and just having the blog should inspire you to keep on posting, and more importantly it'll inspire you to do stuff to post about :)

The how-to is a great idea too. People just love it when your blog is full of tutes and stuff.

Looking foward to reading more :) :)

Lara said...

P.S. - I love Kirin beer :) I think Kirin might also mean 'dragon' in Japanese hence the dragon on the kirin bottle....